Real GIF

I am a real internet junkie, sometimes I spend 8 hours a day on YouTube, Steam and Tumblr.  It isn't good for me I know but, what can I say?  However... I spend less time on the internet now, every since I discovered a tumblr user named "real-gif".
She was a new user on tumblr when I discovered her; one of my friends told me about her following him, so I decided to check her blog out.  Her avatar was The Scout from TF2's face spazzed out, just like a glitch.  In her description it said:
"I am 20, female, Monkey, into weird shit."
Weird description, right?  She had no posts yet, her blog was completley naked.  I decided to fan mail her.  In it I said:
"Hey, gurrrl :)   I fund your blog, looks kinda blank c: you should post moar! I gave you a follow anyway c: "
It didn't take long, she then replied:
"... look now"
Look now?  I took it she meant look on her blog, so I did.  I saw a gif of a man crying while getting fisted by  clown.  It made me sick, like what was the point in her posting that?  It was sick but I then replied:
"that is weird, you into that shit haaaa?"
I waited, but no reply.  I shrugged it off and continued to update my blog with Breaking Bad related material... but she then replied:
... Just, "YES".  Nothing else... I felt grossed out, and I don't know why.  Instead of replying, I went back to searching for BB material to queue.  She then sent ten minutes later:
"big boy, look at what I just posted"
... So, of course, curiousity got the best of me and I went on her blog.  It was a gif of a seagull getting crushed by a large car.  There was blood everywhere, the entire road was covered in feathers and blood, just blood!  It was chilling.  I wrote:
"you're fucking sick."
Then, almost a minute later she wrote:
"check now"
What is this girl on about?!  I held it in, but I grew more curious!  I checked her blog... and what I saw, was terrifying.  It was a gif of... me.  I was... naked, tied up... and getting penetrated, by a mascot of a monkey.  I was covered in blood, my body was red with pain and I was screaming while the monkey filled me with his banana milk.
What the hell?!  I was so freaked out by it!  I slammed my laptop and threw it halfway across the room, getting so mad and angry!  I went into bed, holding my ass after the thought of thet penetration.
Next day, I was walking to school.  I calmed down a bit after last night, realising that the gif of me was probably just either me going crazy or just another guy who looked like me.  As I went to cross the road, a seagull swooped down to grab a fry that someone had dropped.  The next second, a large car came racing, crushing the seagull, just like that gif!  It was awful, I was disgusted, as the blood hit off my uniform!  I ran across the street, panting with fear and shock... when the large car turned and drove after me.  The driver threw a brick at me, boom... darkness.  I was completely out.  
When I woke up, I was in a dark room, with bloody walls.  On the walls, the words "You're fucked" was in blood.  I was tied up and covered in blood.
Right next to me, I heard crying.  I looked to see the man from the gif, getting fisted by a clown.  The man's face was red with pain, I screamed with shock.  The clown looked to me and smiled, he said:
"My hand is stuck in this man's butthole."
Before I could respond, I felt a large force penetrate me.  I looked round to see a monkey mascot.  He thrusted hard against me, making me scream in pain.  He spank my ass and rode me to town.  After five minutes of pain, I felt a warm milky feeling enter my anus.  The monkey slapped my face and I feel down on my back.  I looked up as the monkey hovered over me, removing the mask, to reveal a girl.  She had a sick smile.  As I stared in fear, she said:
"I am real-gif and you are now my sex slave."
Two years later of painful love, I write this on my netbook she gave me for Christmas, hoping someone will see this.  If you do, please beware, do NOT go on realgif's tumblr blog, or you will become a sex slave.  I must go now, master wants me to try her new recipe of milk.